A Spring in your step …
Yes, we are walking again. Our eagle-eyed observers have commented that most of our fundraising involves walking, and there is a reason for this: its accessible to so many people. The essence being that it doesn’t have to be an arduous marathon slog over swampy terrain in rubbish weather – all you have to do is step outside your door and put one foot in front of the other. How easy is that?
Of course, you might want to check the weather forecast and put on some sturdy shoes – but its all about getting out into the fresh air. Maybe your luck will be in and you glimpse a bit of early Spring sunshine, robins scrapping in flower beds, sparrows twittering in hedgerows. Snowdrops are out there nodding their heads waiting for the first bees to venture out of their hives …………….. and we too should venture out, breathe deeply, sun on face – and take the first step of many.
I’m fed up with talking about lockdown, the challenges and restrictions; you know them all as well as me, so I’m not going to. I am going to tell you about a brilliant challenge being created by WM that is accessible to everyone! It’s a virtual journey from our HQ in York to the Jay Ambe hospital in Chaparda, Gujarat, where we run our annual acupuncture clinic. That’s almost 6000 miles! Before you say “I couldn’t possibly walk that far” – well, of course you couldn’t – by yourself: but this is all about contributing to a team effort, so however many, or few, steps you take could all add up to getting to India in time for the next clinic in January 2022.
Your personal goals have a part to play here – its about getting out for a walk regularly, making it a habit and reaping the rewards of better health, having a (distanced) chat to neighbours and feeling your mood rise.
So, watch this space – details coming soon and perhaps you could raise some small amount to help our fundraising. All money raised will be used to support World Medicine projects, and not exclusively Chaparda.
I hope you will feel inspired to join us, its going to be amazing! Let’s do this!