Big Fundraiser 2023
Join or donate to our 2023 Fundraising Campaign
We're fundraising for World Medicine
On (or around) September 16th volunteers, friends and supporters of World Medicine are invited to join us in a huge effort to raise £5000 to support our forthcoming projects. It doesn’t matter where you are in the country or in the world! We just need to “ come together “ to commit a day to do something fabulous to raise money for a cause that we feel passionate about!
What will you do? A sponsored walk? An epic bike ride? A coffee morning? Afternoon tea? Wine tasting? Headstands?? The possibilities are endless... Click here for our Fundraising Ideas Page.
Whether you make a donation, join the fundraising team, or simply support us by sharing the campaign, your help goes a long way and makes a huge difference.
Meet Our Fundraisers

General Donations
If you wish to donate to the World Medicine 2023 General Fund.

Emma Vaughan
Hi! I'm Emma, a World Medicine Trustee and a volunteer in our Chaparda Clinic in India.

Jude Blair
Hi, I'm Jude. I've been a volunteer for many years - I'm going to walk with Emma!

Zehra Bharmal
Hi, I'm Zehra. I've been a World Medicine translator and India Volunteer since 2017.

Marc Roque
Hello, I'm Marc, and I'll be part of the team going to India in January 2024.

Saoirse Mckinney
Hello, I'm Saoirse, and I'll be part of the team going to India in January 2024.

Teresa Dawkes
Hello, I'm Teresa. Last year I was a World Medicine volunteer in Chaparda, India.

Lucy Neumann
Hello, I'm Lucy, and I'll be part of the team going to India in January 2024.

Barbara Robinson
Hi! I'm Barbara, a World Medicine Trustee and a volunteer in our Chaparda Clinic in India.

Najma Dawoodbhai
Hi! I'm Najma, a World Medicine Trustee, translator and India Volunteer.

Who's Next?!
We'd love to add to this page - so please sign up for the team!