Chaparda, India

We have had an on-going programme in Gujarat, India for many years now,  working with our host organisation BEHT and Health Aid Trust.

World Medicine has adopted this project as an annual two-week trip, working at the Jay Ambe Hospital, Visavadar, Junagadh, Chaparda.

We offer acupuncture treatments to hundreds of people in this rural community. This project is hosted by the Health Aid Trust and supported by BEHT. Our team of volunteers include translators and practitioners... Read more...

Jesuit Refugee Service - JRS

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) has an extensive network around the world.  Their day centre at Wapping is just one expression of their care and commitment to refugees and forcibly displaced people that ‘they may heal, learn, and determine their own future.’

For the Refugee Friends project, World Medicine will be working alongside JRS, providing a weekly acupuncture clinic to help deal with the effects of trauma, stress and anxiety, as well as relief of pain and physical conditions. The clinics will run in 6 week blocks throughout the year – each block will have enough practitioners so that Refugee Friends can be comfortable with familiar faces, but will be able to have 6 acupuncture treatments at weekly intervals. 

The current lockdown restrictions have meant that progress has been put on hold, to ensure safety of patients and practitioners, and we have not been able to launch the project.  However, prospects are now looking brighter and, as soon as JRS are happy to reopen the centre doors, we will look forward to greeting Refugee Friends in the clinics.  Watch this space!!!

Any acupuncturists who would like to volunteer with this project, please don’t hesitate to contact for more information.

For more information about the work of JRS, please see